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Concacaf breaks ground with game-changing One Concacaf Home of Football in Cap Cana.

Roger Hampel

Concacaf Cap Cana
Concacaf Cap Cana

December 2023 marks a historic month for Concacaf as it laid the foundation for the One Concacaf Home of Football in Cap Cana, Dominican Republic. This groundbreaking ceremony signifies a leap forward in football's technical development, not just for the Dominican Republic but for all 41 Member Associations of Concacaf.

Set to be a state-of-the-art facility, the One Concacaf Home of Football aims to be more than just a football venue. It's envisioned as a hub for nurturing football talent and innovation, boasting international standard fields, modern locker rooms, technical education classrooms, and a fully equipped gym. The facility's design also allows for future expansions, ensuring it remains at the forefront of football development.

This initiative was energetically spearheaded by Concacaf President and FIFA Vice President, Victor Montagliani. The ground-breaking event saw the presence of eminent figures, including Concacaf Council Members, the Executive President of Cap Cana Ciudad Destino, Jorge Subero Medina, the President of the Board of Directors of Cap Cana, Fernando Hazoury, and David Collado, the Dominican Republic's Minister of Tourism.

Concacaf Cap Cana
Concacaf Cap Cana

Montagliani emphasized the facility's pivotal role in advancing football across the Confederation. “The One Concacaf Home of Football will be a game-changer, offering advanced training and development opportunities through coach licensing courses, referee development programs, and hosting various competitions,” he stated.

The selection of Cap Cana as the location came after a comprehensive process, considering factors such as regional connectivity, accommodation facilities, climate, security, and support from local stakeholders. This strategic choice underscores the commitment of Concacaf to enhance the sport's reach and quality, making it accessible and progressive.

Construction of this ambitious project will continue in the upcoming months, aiming for a grand opening in the forthcoming years. The timeline for the project's completion will be decided soon, but the enthusiasm and support it has garnered promise a bright future for football in the region.

The One Concacaf Home of Football is not just a testament to the growing popularity and investment in football in the Americas. It's a beacon of hope and progress, heralding a new era of sporting excellence and community engagement. This facility is set to become a cornerstone for football development, benefiting athletes, coaches, and football enthusiasts across the Confederation.

As Concacaf continues to forge a path in football development, the One Concacaf Home of Football in Cap Cana stands as a symbol of this commitment, promising to nurture talent and passion in the sport for generations to come.

Source: Concacaf

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